Sholeh Zard Recipe | Persian Saffron Rice Pudding

Sholeh Zard Recipe

Sholeh Zard Recipe youtube ingredients history calories persian rice pudding with rosewater

Sholeh Zard is one of the simple and delicious Iranian dishes. This dish combines rice, saffron, sugar, and butter.

Ingredients for four people
Basmati rice1 cup
Water8 cup
Sugar1.5 cup
Butter50 g
slivered almonds½ cup
rosewater (Golab)½ cup
ground saffron¼ tsp

Sholeh Zard Instructions

Step 1

Pour basmati rice into a bowl containing water overnight and let it soak. Wash the rice and pour it into a large pot, then add 8 cups of water.

Step 2

Put the pot on medium heat and let the rice cook for an hour. Meanwhile, pour rose water into a bowl and add slivered almonds.

Step 3

After cooking the rice, add the ground saffron to the pot and let the color spread. After 15 minutes, add sugar and stir until it dissolves.

Step 4

Wait 15 minutes until the sugar dissolves completely, then add rose water, slivered almonds, and butter to the pot.

Step 5

Stir until the ingredients are smooth, then wait another 15 minutes. After this time, turn off the heat and cover the pot.

Step 6

After 10 minutes, the Sholeh Zard is ready. Pour it into the desired container and decorate with slivered almonds and cinnamon powder.

category: Food Recipe
Update by in Thursday 14 July 2022

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