Best Spinach Omelet Recipe | Easy and Delicious

Spinach Omelet Recipe

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If you are looking for a wholesome breakfast to start your day, the omelet, especially the spinach omelet, will be a good choice. Due to the presence of spinach, this delicious omelet benefits from the good privileges of this vegetable, such as improving heart health, acne prevention, hair growth, insomnia treatment, eye health, bone health, prevention of anemia, etc., and if you start your day with this nutrient along with eggs, you will have a nutritious breakfast that will boost your energy for the rest of the day. Stay with Takrecipe to learn how to prepare this healthy spinach omelet.

Ingredients for four people
Spinach500 g
Butter1 tbsp
Paprika½ tsp
SaltTo taste
Black pepperTo taste

Spinach Omelet Recipe

Step 1

Wash spinach a couple of times until it is clean from dust. Then strain them in a colander to drain the excess water. Then, spread them on a clean towel and pat dry them. Now transfer them to a tray and chop them coarsely or finely as you prefer.

Step 2

Put a suitable pan on low heat and add butter to the pan. After the butter melts, add the chopped spinach to the pan and fry a little until the excess water from the spinach evaporates. You can fry the spinach for a few more minutes until it is well-cooked.

Step 3

Crack the eggs into a suitable bowl, add some salt and black pepper, and whisk them well with a fork until they are thoroughly combined and frothy.

Step 4

Add the egg to the pan and mix it with the spinach, then put the lid on the pan for a few minutes until the egg is cooked thoroughly. In this way, your omelet will have a uniform look. You can also gently stir them until they get scrambled if you like.

Step 5

After the eggs are almost cooked, sprinkle the paprika powder on the omelet. You can also add a sprinkle of parmesan to your omelet. In the end, put it in the desired dish and serve it with bread. That is it! Enjoy your meal.


Some like to add mushrooms to their spinach omelet. For this, slice or chop the mushrooms and add them to the pan before the spinach. Sauté until their liquid evaporates and becomes well cooked. Then add the spinach, and the rest is the same.

category: Food Recipe
Update by in Saturday 5 November 2022

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